Sales KIT
Training constructor for sales and negotiations
While creating Sales KIT, Elena Malillo concentrated almost 20 years of experience in coaching, a deep understanding of cases and issues that sales managers face in negotiations. We really hope that as many professionals as possible get a working and inspiring tool for work!
What can Sales KIT do?
To elaborate in details the strategy of sales and negotiations and increase the sales level by 3 times
Initiate deep discussions and insights in a team
Find in each specific situation the most effective method to achieve the desired result.
Feel yourself in the negotiation process confident and effortlessly
How does this work?
Formulate a request and a situation. Work through the full sales cycle by writing notes or formulating answers to yourself. Use Sales KIT to quickly practice the stage in the "here and now" mode to quickly navigate the situation. Improve your competencies by separately completing the steps that cause you the greatest problems and fears.
Sales KIT - training constructor for sales and negotiations
Available only in Russian. Use Sales KIT to quickly practice the stage in the "here and now" mode to quickly navigate the situation. Improve your competencies by separately completing the steps that cause you the greatest problem
Download the instructions (Russian language)

How to use Sales KIT?

A set of 70 cards which are divided into 10 stages of sales
Planning of a deal
4 cards
16 cards
Personal contact
7 cards
Analysis and creation of the demand
4 cards
11 cards
Client's perception of your offer
4 cards
Finishing contacts
3 cards
Impact (push)
7 cards
Closing the deal
7 cards
Work after sale
7 cards
How does this work?
Step 1
Define the company you are preparing to negotiate with.
Step 2
Put in front of you the list of stages of sales, which can be found in the instructions, as well as inside the box cover and on the website.
Step 3
Open the cards of the first stage - Planning. Select and put in front of you the card with the questions which you want to receive the most detailed answer to. This will help to formulate clear and understandable goals of negotiations with the company.
Step 4
Consistently, in order of priority, lay out cards stage by stage. Choose from each stage those cards, the answers to which will lead you to success in the negotiations. This will help to construct a step-by-step algorithm for future negotiations, to predict their progress and outcome.
Step 5
Answers to all questions can be written down, dictated or kept in mind. The layout can be photographed and taken with you to negotiate.
If you'd like to buy the Sales KIT for a company
Please fill in the form below and we'll contact you
Manufacturer University of Future Business Skills

Material: compact carton

Width 80 mm
Length 115 mm
Height 45 mm
Weight 300 gr.

Images and colors of the presented product may vary slightly from the original product.